Monday 10 September 2007

Anita Roddick - role model

L’Oreal and The Body Shop are household names. At one time it would be fair to say they were enemies. Since last year L’Oreal has owned The Body Shop. Many were horrified at the time of the sale and accused Anita Roddick of not just selling out of her company, but also the principles on which it was built. Seems this is far from the case if an interview with Roddick published in the Daily Telegraph recently is anything to go by. My view is this: Anita Roddick has made a difference. She proved businesses driven by a cause and not profits is the way of the future and she has influenced and is influencing a giant like L’Oreal. It will take a lot more Anita Roddick’s to build our new world. Which part of our new world are you building?

Be remarkable

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