Sunday 16 September 2007

Whenever you can buy fair trade products

I have been working in the United Kingdom for the past two weeks. My previous post was written after reading an article in The Times newspaper. It was about one of my hero's Anita Roddick who sadly passed away a few days later. In honour of Anita's huge and positive impact on better business practice I went and drank a fair trade coffee at another iconic business Marks and Spencer. I reflected on the great strides business has made to be fairer and my own priviledge this year to work with another seller of fair trade coffee, the fine folk of Oxfam Trading in Australia. Community trade is one way of eliminating poverty. In our new world there is no poverty. Whenever you can, buy products from places you know are involved in fair trade. This is one way you can play your part in building our new world. And when you do remember you are standing on the shoulders of people like Anita Roddick.

Be remarkable

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