Monday 14 March 2011

Are you turning waste into wealth?

I have been back many times to learn from Fast Company’s
list of their top 50 most innovative companies in the world today.

The 14th ranked company Kosaka in Japan is thriving by turning old cell phones into gold mines.

What waste are you turning into wealth?

Years ago I spent less than an hour in a clients factory and noticed theft and waste were rife and leaders seemingly oblivious. I got their accountant to do a cost benefit analysis. Very soon the company saved 4 million dollars!

There are probably things right under your nose that you haven’t noticed that are costing you big time.

Do a regular check of how wisely you are spending your time, your energy, and your money. And ensure you have systems and processes in place that mean you know exactly (and they do too) how well your employees are spending their time, energy, and money.

My guess is that by doing this you will soon turn a lot of waste into wealth.

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