Thursday 10 March 2011

“Global ‘family’ of rescuers ready at a moment’s notice”

I only buy newspapers at the weekend preferring instead to receive the headlines of most major newspapers worldwide via feeds to my computer. I also admit I am tired of the bias towards one political party or another in most newspapers (I am tired of politics period!) and the general lack of good news stories.

Today I caught up on two weeks worth of newspaper reading and the headline Global ‘family’ of rescuers ready at a moment’s notice caught my attention.

I then read the story by Weekend Australian journalist Nicolas Perptich. You can read it here.

Nicolas’s story is a fascinating read about urban search and rescue teams (USAR) and how they are always read to step in and serve at a moments notice, in this case to quickly get to New Zealand and help out with rescue efforts following the devastating earthquake in Christchurch.

I particularly like the fact that USAR teams around the world refer to each other as family. They can also be completely self-sufficient for a signicificant period of time.

This story got me thinking. Would am I ready to serve at a moments notice? And who do I regard as family?

Your answers to these questions I am certain will help you get really clear on who you are serving and knowing this precisely is a key to living your best life and building your best business.

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