Wednesday 25 September 2013

Can you say what you need to in 6 words?

I am a great fan of the folk at six word memoirs.

They are currently running a festival on Twitter you may like to participate in.

I have helped many of my clients to revolutionise buy-in to strategy by helping them to create 6 word strategy statements with employees.

In my Changing What’s Normal book one of my 58 sparkenations is about this. To get my book with my compliments simply complete the Valued, Fulfilled, Loved Performance Possibility Pulse Check or the Discovering Your Life's Work Pulse Check.

Here are three of my own 6 word statements.

"Rolls-royce relationships lead to rolls-royce buyers.

BS free relationships guarantee greater results.

Treat people as people. Results follow."

Be the difference you want to see in the world.

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