Thursday 26 September 2013

Ten keys to getting high performing teams - guest post by Mike Lowe

This is a guest post from Mike Lowe my colleague, accredited mentor of the Enhancing Their Gifts System and an Elder with the Talent Enhancers Tribe.

Please visit Mike's blog for his further posts on this topic.

This is the first of a series of ten blog posts where I will expand on each of the ten keys to high performing teams that I have identified.  Watch out for future posts over the coming weeks.  But first off, here are the Ten Keys to High Performing Teams:

1. Make sure you have the right people in the right jobs

Recruit on personality and values more than skills and experience. Unless you are recruiting brain surgeons or airline pilots, in most jobs the cost of training someone is far less than the cost of employing someone who isn’t a fit. Tools like Talent Dynamics can help identify the right person for a role.

2. Crystal clarity on responsibilities and what is expected

There’s a big difference between having a job description and having crystal clarity in your own head about what is expected of you and what you are ultimately responsible for.

3. Align personal goals with organisational goals

Most people don’t care much about the organisational goals, relative to their own personal goals.

4. Personal warm relationships

You are much more likely to work hard and go the extra mile for people you care about. You are much more likely to let down people you don’t care about.

5. Catching people doing things right

Low self-esteem is toxic to motivation. Yet too many managers only notice you when they catch you doing something wrong. Recognition is amazingly powerful as a motivator.

6. Daily feedback/accountability conversations

We are hard-wired to work towards goals and we want to know how we are tracking towards those goals. All the research on performance shows that the more instant the feedback the more motivated we are.

7. Value individuality, diversity, unique gifts

We are each one-of-a-kind unique individuals who think differently, yet in many workplaces we feel we have to leave our individuality at home and conform. Embracing diversity and individuality encourages people to bring more of themselves to work.  It encourages creativity and higher engagement.

8. Constructive (not destructive) handling of conflict

Conflict is inevitable and can be a source of growth and creativity. But when people don’t know how to handle conflict constructively it can lead to toxic mistrust and people feeling unsafe, judged and bullied – all of which kills motivation.

9. Conducive working environment

The interaction between the environment and the subconscious is powerful. Different spaces and colours are conducive to different tasks, such as focused concentration, creativity, analysis, meetings etc.

10. Identify and overcome dysfunctional habits (eg procrastination)

Dysfunctional habits such as procrastination have deep roots. It takes a combination of structural adjustments (such as Dave Allens GTD system) and psychological insight. Toxic Shame is a core issue for many people which keeps them from reaching their true potential through addictive or self-destructive behaviour.

Please visit Mike's blog for his further posts on this topic.

Be the difference you want to see in the world.

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