Thursday 5 December 2013

A Question of Change by Peter Bregman

I am a big fan of Peter’s and enjoy getting his regular emails. I recommend his great book 18 minutes.

Below is a very insightful presentation about real leadership and change from Peter. It is serious stuff mixed with good humour. It also confirms three philosophies that are foundational to my change work - People are prepared to change/People are not prepared to be changed; great leaders ask great questions; and shared-view about where we're going, why we're going there, and how we will get there is paramount.

Be the difference you want to see in the world.

PS My apologies to you if you have previously shared, +1'd, and/or commented on my blog. Your information is gone due to the fact that I had to change the url of my blog in line with forced changes to my personal website as I explained in this post.

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