Wednesday 26 November 2014

3 key reasons why being candid is the keystone to sustaining your remarkability

In my presentation/conversation for the Global Impact Summit last Monday I shared my thoughts on why I believe remarkable is the new normal, great is no longer good enough, and ordinary is your enemy.

Get the full context of what I mean by watching the recording of my session.

You'll be asked to register at the link and make your own impact. You'll have access then to all 30 of the summit sessions, a smorgasbord of maverick thinking.

I also shared at the summit why I believe that to go from where we are to where we want to be is best accomplished in a series of quantum leaps

Change champions are experts at taking quantum leaps.

The first reason being candid is the keystone to sustaining your remarkability is that it's very easy to be delusional about where you are (here). Being frank, open, and honest (candid) about where you are means your next leap can have real substance.

The second reason being candid is the keystone to sustaining your remarkability is because calling a spade a spade and being straightforward with yourself gives you real clarity. Being clear gives you certainty as you take your next leap.

The third reason being candid is the keystone to sustaining your remarkability is that your candour will attract other people to you who will be key to your future success. More about this in my next post. We're sick of spin. Other people will find your candidness a breath of fresh air and will therefore be drawn to you.

Be remarkable.

PS For more of my thoughts on your remarkability go here.

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