Friday 28 November 2014

Why we all need OPEEE

One of the great truths of the success journey is that we all need OPEEE; other people's experience, energy, and enthusiasm. There's no Winston without Clementine, no Steve Jobs without Steve Wozniak, no Beatles without Brian Epstein or George Martin.

Who's experience, energy, and enthusiasm is irreplaceable in your life?

Please find a unique way to express your gratitude to these people today.

To whom is your experience, energy, and enthusiasm irreplaceable?

Please find unique ways to add even more value to these people next time you meet with them. As Roger James Hamilton said on the Global Impact Summit yesterday "Giving is the game."

3 key reasons why we all need other people's experience, energy, and enthusiasm

1) We all get stuck in our lives, stop listening to the wisdom within, and therefore we stop doing what we know we should do. We need other people to help us to be accountable.

2) We don't know what we don't know. Other people help us by being a mirror, by asking us great questions, and just by being there with us as we discover what we don't know that we must do.

3) We all tell ourselves BS. We need others to be candid with us and call us out when we, even momentarily, have stopped being the best one-of-a-kind person that we can be.

Be remarkable.

PS The above statement expresses a key part of No BS mentoring for me. Maybe I can be such a friend for you. Find out more here.

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