Wednesday 19 November 2014

A rule you may need to break to do more of what you love

As I explore in this blog post the change journey to doing what we love in the service of people who love what we do, begins with what we can and will do, and then doing what we aren’t doing that we know we should be.

In most organisations the rule is do more with less. Good questions to ask about all rules are: Who made this rule? What was the context of making it? Is the context relevant to my/our situation right now? Is there a more remarkable way forward?

Doing more with less is often a good rule. It depends on the context and desired outcomes. To make doing more with less a rule for everything is unwise.

When it comes to your leadership and management what if a more remarkable rule is to do less with more?

As I work with my clients to do what they know they should do that they are not, matters of effectiveness (leadership) and efficiency (management) always arise.

Often my clients realise that how something used to be done is no longer the most effective and/or efficient way to do it. My clients end up staying doing some things, stop doing others, and start doing some things in new ways.

In your leadership and management where could you do less with more?

Be remarkable.

PS Some of the resources for humans that I provide for my clients in my online studio are very helpful for doing less with more.

I will be conducting group tours to show you what’s inside my studio every day 1st - 7th December. Find out more and how to join a tour here.

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