Monday 17 November 2014

Doing what you love in the service of people who love what you do

From the moment I read “do what you love in the service of people who love what you do“ in Steven Farber’s great book 'The Radical Leap' eight years ago I knew I had found not only a beautiful way to describe the outcomes of my work for my clients, I had also found an anchor to keep me focused on what really matters to me and to the people to whom I provide my professional services.

We’ve all encountered the rubbish around doing what we love and the money flows. Doing what we love in the service of people who love what we do means the money really does flow.

It's never about the money though.

I used to say that profit is not a reason for being in business, rather a result of being good at business.

I have changed my mind about the being good at business piece. Today we need to be remarkable, particularly in how we deliver value to those who love our work, value that they demand, desire, and feel that they deserve.

Remarkable is the new normal. Great is no longer good enough. Being ordinary is your enemy.

In 2006, blessed by Steven Farber’s great insight, I developed the process below to capture what I knew from real world work was true, yet hadn’t been able to articulate it.

In my No BS mentoring work with over a 1000 business leaders in more than 40 countries since 1991 the change journey is always the same in terms of outcomes; people do what they know they should that they’re currently not doing, and then at some point a surprise arrives, people discover what they didn’t know before that they must do. Always this profound turning point leads to people doing what they love in the service of people who love what they do.

I honour you should you be you be doing what you love in the service of people who love what you do and are doing so in remarkable ways. If you’re not yet in this space what an opportunity you have at your doorstep!

Be remarkable.

PS From 12.01 am AEDST on 1st December until midnight on December 7th 2014 you can take up two months individual membership of my Maverick Thinkers Studio for 1 months investment.

I will be conducting group tours for the 1 in 100 to show you what’s inside my studio every day 1st - 7th December. Find out more about my studio and how to join a tour here.

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