Wednesday 17 December 2014

Are your people leading and following by choice, not because they feel they have to?

As mentioned in previous posts World of Business Ideas is a great resource. I recommend setting up a free or paid account in order to get access to their videos. 

This video by Jim Collins on the next big management shift invoked my imagination as the subject is dear to my heart - people leading and following by choice, not because they feel they have to. Collins puts it "people following because they have the freedom to not follow."

In the new world of work we're operating more and more as Collins says "in networks more than organisations."

At your place 
How many people are doing what they love in the service of people who love what they do?
How many people are fulfilling their role/s in ways that they have chosen to do so?
How many people are living the purpose of your organisations existence in ways that is in alignment with their personal purpose?

Your answers to these questions are a great barometer of how well you're embracing the new world of work?

Be remarkable.

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