Monday 15 December 2014

Where in your business in 2015 do you need to stop playing around the edges?

There was a game we played at school that involved a whole bunch of kids hitting a tennis ball with the palms of our hands into the wire gates of the shelter shed.

It was an exiting game as people tried to exploit the angles and try and hit parts of the gate that meant the ball went in all sorts of weird and wonderful directions that made it impossible for people to hit back.

My mate Alec and myself became experts at hiding in the crowd, fluffing around the edges and only getting involved when we had too. This strategy meant we were often the last two left in the game. Until others woke up that is. Then everyone tried to play around the edges.

Life is like this sometimes. 

Usually though success doesn't involve playing around the edges. We've got to be where the action is.

Where in your business in 2015 do you need to stop playing around the edges?

Be remarkable

"We dance around in a ring and suppose;
But the secret sits in the middle - and knows."
Robert Frost

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