Monday 21 September 2015

A true story of going the extra mile - guest post by Mark Sutherland

This is a guest post from my friend and colleague Mark Sutherland.

A service agent at a Flight Centre in Melbourne greeted an elderly couple in their early 80’s.  The couple had booked tickets online for flights to China.  They told the agent that they had not travelled for many years.  They were unsure of what they needed to do and what documents they needed to take to the airport.

There was no money to be made here but the agent sat the couple down and asked them some questions.  She looked at the couple as being her grandparents and what their needs might be.

She showed them what documents to fill in and explained what to do with their passbook and visas. She gave them a satchel to keep all the documents in.

The agent gave them an express card so they did not have to stand and wait for ages going through customs.  She also gave them her phone number so they could call her anytime during their trip if they needed help and she could talk them through what they could do.

After the couple left a colleague said, “Why did you do that as there was no money to be made? I wouldn’t have done that”.  The agent said, “Well I just thought of my grandparents.  I would hope that if they were ever in this predicament that they would be treated with respect and dignity.  It made me feel great to know that I was able to assist them”.

There is no doubt as to how this agent became the number one Flight Centre agent in her branch.

In your business do you treat people as you would want to be treated or as you would want your Grandma and Grandad to be treated?  It is the best brand exposure and marketing you can do.

As the father of that agent, I am extremely proud of her and her values.



Be remarkable.

PS I'm having a candid and convivial conversation with Mark about leadership soon. Details here.

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