Wednesday 23 September 2015

One great idea

I love how ideas progress to innovation when we do our work.

This year a focus of mine has been to simplify my life and to help my clients to do the same.

Simplification has been one of my 3 words. You can read more about the concept of having 3 words to help you to focus in my 20th April 2015 post here.

As I progressed with this concept myself I began to zero in on the power of one. You can read more about this in my 12th August 2015 post here.

Around this time I began to work with two of my mentors Nick and Matthew on a re-imagination of my business.

Guess what? The power of discovering and implementing one great idea at a time emerged as one of my key strengths and something I could do better with my clients. In some ways this was an FBO (Flash of the Bloody Obvious) given my passion and expertise for one as illustrated in my August 2015 post.

In many other ways though my mentors helped me (and still are helping) to pinpoint strategies and tactics previously unseen.

Then last week I went to the inaugural 99U event in Melbourne. One of the presenters was my colleague Dr. Jason Fox. Jason spoke about the power of one word acting as a kind of "fuzzy beacon" to keep us focused.

I was reflecting on Jason's insight, and what my one word might be for the next 90 days, when a link to an interview by Travis Bell with Derek Sivers arrived in my in-box. You can listen to it here.

I love Derek's idea of having a concept as a guiding beacon for doing our best work.

After further meditation and reflection one word came to me as my guiding beacon for the next 90 days - possible. On the same day the picture below featured in a blog from Kevin Roberts.

I thought some more and arrived at a concept that's now guiding me in my life and work - what's the one quantum leap I (and each individual client) need to take next in order to move closer to what's possible?

As I said at the beginning of this post I love how ideas progress to innovation when we do our work.

What will your guiding beacon be for the next 90 days?

If you'd like some help deciding on this please give me a call on +61 418 807 898.

Be remarkable.

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