Wednesday 12 October 2016

The Employee Experience Index

There's a lot of very valuable insights in this research study by IBM’s Smarter Workforce Institute and Globoforce’s Work Human Research Institute.

Their research validates what I'm experiencing and observing in the best workplaces, that what it means to be human is front and centre, and that treating people as they want to be treated, is a key to superior performance.

Get the research study yourself via the link above.

The actions recommended (see below) are common-sense to me

Recognize the unique role that leaders and managers play
in defining employees’ work experience, and enable
managers to design experiences consistent with core

Ensure the organization’s actions are conveying the values
intended and nurture an environment that reinforces
mutually supportive coworker relationships.

Help employees understand the deeper meaning of their
work and how it contributes to the wider organizational
purpose and goals.

Treat performance as a continuous conversation, fueled by
social recognition, feedback and growth opportunities.

Offer employees opportunities to participate in decisionmaking
and trust them with the autonomy they need to
find the best paths to achieving success.

Who will you become? What will you do next to ensure common sense is being reflected in your daily actions?

As always should you like some help with this please contact me on +61 418 807 898.

Be remarkable.

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