Friday 14 October 2016

Your one and only leadership style that really matters

When I begin to design leadership development programs with clients, one question is always part of the conversation - "what leadership style inventory/profile do you use/advocate?"

My answer, "none", takes many people by surprise.

I go on to say "leadership style inventories, profiles etc can have value, yet they are merely possible tactics for winning the main game, that being that the one and only leadership style that really matters is for people to be the best version of themselves, that one-of-a-kind human being that each of us is."

Shakespeare put it best in my view in his Hamlet play, "This above all: to thine own self be true."

Shakespeare's timeless message lies at the heart of The Appreciative Leader handbook that is now at the printers.

Most people whom I've showed the cover (pictured), say it's an unusual cover. I'm glad of this because the handbook is an unusual work!

What's also unusual is that what I say in the handbook is important, yet nowhere near as important as what you hear yourself say to yourself, and then do your own unique work.

To help you in your unique work there's a companion resources web page to the handbook, and a private community to involve yourself in.

All the details are here for you to arrange to get your signed, numbered, limited edition copy of the handbook, of which only 150 will ever be printed.

Be remarkable.

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