Friday 30 December 2016

Every Moment Matters

Successful leaders have always been aware of the power of defining moments.

Long ago Procter & Gamble recognised two such moments:

FMOT - First Moment Of Truth is just before the customer buys.

SMOT - Second Moment Of Truth is when the customer first begins to experience what they’ve bought.

More recently Google created ZMOT - Zero Moment Of Truth - the crucial moment that happens before we buy.

And Brian Solis captured a hallmark of our age with UMOT - Ultimate Moment Of Truth is when the customer shares the experience.

“We have 50,000 moments of truth every day.” said Jan Carlzon, former CEO of Scandinavian Airlines, in his famous book ‘Moments of Truth’

For me it’s EMM - Every Moment Matters, and particularly personal moments of truth.

This is what Appreciative Leadership is all about.

If you mess up one moment, you can get back on track in the next.

If you make a mistake in one moment, you can immediately learn and act on your learning in the next moment.

If you say the wrong thing in one moment, you can make amends in the next.

Lots of good advice from Derek Sivers here.

One of my favourites from him below

Whenever I feel like I've lost my way, or I'm uncertain about what's next, I reflect on the above and then this

Then I get back on my horse through this

One quantum leap at time is the best way that I know of to regain or sustain positive momentum.

The great thing about small jumps from here to there is that when we mess up we don't get hurt, and can learn from the failure moment. 

Every Moment Matters. 

Be remarkable.

Find out more here and then telephone me on +61 418 807 898.

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