Monday 2 January 2017

Guaranteeing 2017 is your best year yet

Being separated by distance meant a Skype conversation with our Daughter and Grandson on Christmas Day. At one point Hamish, who is 15, remarked that the world has never been a better place. He then rattled off a whole lot of stats to validate his point.

We accepted and respected of course that for some people a bright future at this point of their lives is but a hope.

Because my clients are purpose-driven business owners and leaders I reflected after the Skype call on one of the signatures of my work with you - in the spirit of something better.

Who will you become? What will you do next?

In the spirit of something better, and helping you to guarantee 2017 is your best year yet, I'm offering 3 Special Personal and Business Development Opportunities For You.

1) online seminar 6 - 7.30 pm AEDT 20th February 2017. You can register here. Special early bird offer expires 20th January 2017.

2) Full day in person master-class in Ballarat 28th February 2017. You can register here. Special super early bird offer expires 20th January 2017.

3) A bespoke leadership elevation experience just for you and/or you and your leadership team. Find out more and apply from here. 

Be remarkable.

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