Monday 9 January 2017

Focusing on one thing until it's done

I did extensive work with two of my mentors Nick Haines and Matthew Newnham last year, and for part of 2015.

It was a remarkable and sometimes painful learning, unlearning, and relearning experience.

One thing (literally) emerged as a standout - I would better serve my clients (new and existing) and myself by zeroing in on one thing at a time, rather than my tendency to overwhelm others and myself by putting numerous things on the table at any given time.

Focusing on one thing is old wisdom that Nick and Matthew helped me to see in new light. I can tell you that it's taken me awhile to fully integrate this into my way of being!

Who will you become? What will you do next?

For one of my clients their one thing focus this first quarter is on profitability. For another it's culture, and for another it's communication.

In each case it's a matter of Appreciating what is, Imagining what can be, and Creating & Taking the next quantum leap to move from here to there.

One quantum leap action at a time eliminates stress.

Who will you become? What will you do next?

Appreciating what is, Imagining what can be, and Quantum Leaping from one to the other are self-contained one things. They also, somewhat paradoxically, form part of a powerful trilogy, one of thirteen threes I'll be exploring in a new series commencing on February 6th.

You can find out more and register for this complimentary 13 week series here.

This series is a part of my one thing this year - being a catalyzer in person for purpose-driven business owners and leaders who want to achieve better business results at less personal cost.

Be remarkable.

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