Wednesday 11 January 2017

Great answers to the tough question - So what do you do?

An exercise that I’ve found very helpful in deciding how best to answer that frequent question, So what do you do? is called Positioning 101 by Matt Church. He’s recently posted it again on LinkedIn which you will find here.

While there are no hard and fast rules, I find that the more intimate the situation the more appropriate it is to answer the question with a focus on You. When you’re unsure of whether you are in front of a prospect or not, you may focus on the activity that you perform, the It. If the person you are speaking to is a clear prospect, then you would focus on the outcome, the Them.
Matt Church

Below is the result of Matt’s exercise for himself and that you can view and download via the link in the first paragraph of this post.

I've completed Matt’s exercise several times before to 'sharpen my saw'. I did so again 5th January. Below are my results:


I’ve worked with more than 1000 leaders, women and men, in over 40 countries since 1991.


I’m in the differencemaking business through helping leaders to increase the positive difference their leadership makes, and creating more leaders in their businesses.


I’m in awe of human beings committed to being who they are and becoming all they’re capable of becoming.


Acting as a catalyzer I helped one of my clients to grow their business 570% in just under 5 years.


I’m like taking a aspirin for a headache in that I provide relief from pain. I’m also like a surgeon in that I help people to remove the cause of pain, yet in their own best way.


I engage in master-mentor relationships with purpose driven business owners and leaders who want to achieve better business results at less personal cost.


I meet monthly 1:1 with members of The Appreciative Leader master-mind group to help each person to execute the one thing they’ve discovered or decided is the next best step to move from where they are to where they want to be.


Learning & Development processes, programs, and/or platforms are not delivering high enough long-term performance increases.

Spending far too much time, energy and money dealing with what are viewed as people problems.

Looking for ways to lighten your load and therefore you're open to elevate your leadership, create more leaders, and improve your processes.

Change is feeling complicated, tiresome and costly, instead of simple, profound, and profitable.

You want greater life/work harmony and want to achieve better business results at less personal cost. 


Catalyzer for leadership, management, and culture learning, unlearning, and relearning that results in you more fully appreciating and getting the best out of yourself and other people.

More people leading and being accountable through feeling valued, living values, and delivering value is a consequence.

The above lead to better business results at less personal cost, and therefore greater life/work harmony.

It follows that communities, cities, states, nations, world become better too.

I highly recommend doing this exercise yourself.

Be remarkable.

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