Friday 3 February 2017

The significance of who with, where, and when and why of sharing your stories

It's been said that "stories are the fabric of culture". I couldn't agree more.

Who you share your stories with, and where, and when and why, really matters.

First place is home. I regret that during my corporate career I never shared enough stories at home. Fortunately my wife was willing to share her story and I was able to make amends.

Who will you become? What will you do next? to be more of a hero in your own home?

Second place is work. Our ability and willingness to have candid and convivial communication and conversions at work, and that include the sharing of stories, are fundamental to being human at work which is foundational to co-creating a culture where people feel valued, live values, and deliver value.

Who will you become? What will you do next? to be a more candid and convivial communicator and a story-sharer of significance in your workplace?

Third place is everywhere else, yet in particular those places where we gather with other people where we share a sense of belonging and a shared-view about what really matters in our lives.

Who will you become? What will you do next? to become the best story-sharer you can be in the third places that matter.

Two suggested powerful actions

1) Get these books and learn, unlearn, and relearn. There's links to each one below.

The Leader's Guide to Storytelling

The Presentation Coach

The Naked Presenter and Presentation Zen


TED Talks

Great Answers To Tough Questions At Work

The Hero With A Thousand Faces

What's The Story?


2) Get a coach/mentor

Through my membership of the Global Speakers Federation I know or know of many of the best speaking/presenting coaches/mentors. If you'd like a referral to someone near you please call me on +61 418 807 898.

Be remarkable.

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