Wednesday 1 February 2017

There must be dissent otherwise poli-tics reigns

When I googled the definition of politics I found the following (bold mine)

1. the activities associated with the governance of a country or area, especially the debate between parties having power.

2. activities aimed at improving someone's status or increasing power within an organization.

Not a lot of difference between Robin’s satire and the actual definition!

'More Misleading Mischief' by Richard Hames, which you can read here, contains the following:

“Recent research from the University of Southern California proves conclusively that those in power will ignore irrefutable evidence and rational arguments for change if the information provided does not accord with their own beliefs."

'True Leaders Believe Dissent Is an Obligation' is an insightful Harvard Business Review article by Bill Taylor. You can read it here. I think it's also a rallying cry you must act on to guarantee your future. Note this from the article:

"... the best leaders I’ve studied — executives and entrepreneurs who have created enduring economic value based on sound human values — recognize and embrace the “obligation to dissent.” Put simply, you can’t be an effective leader in business, politics, or society unless you encourage those around you to speak their minds, to bring attention to hypocrisy and misbehavior, and to be as direct and strong-willed in their evaluations of you as you are in your strategies and plans for them."

I believe that politics as we've known it is over. Trump, BREXIT, and emerging right wing extremists in main stream politics are the trend. I hope they don't become the norm. I don't believe they will.

For further reflection there's a very insightful article here by respected journalist Peter Hartcher contrasting the difference between China's President Xi Jinping and Trump.

A study of left and right wing politics is an interesting one in itself. Here's an example.

The most stunning example of poli-tics I've heard lately is the words of Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission, as quoted by Yanis Varoufakis in this interview with Philip Adams "When the going gets tough we know we have to lie. We know what to do, just not how to do it and get reelected."

I see left, right, and centre, and all persuasions in business too! And yes I hear appalling language like the quote above.

You need dissent in your business, I prefer to call it candid and convivial communication and conversation, otherwise wilful blindness will find a way to negatively impact your culture and thereby your results.

Who will you become? What will you do next?

Be remarkable.

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