Wednesday 6 September 2017

Adults in the Room by Yanis Varoufakis

The story of this book should never be yet is because self-interested and selfish people driven by elitism are still trying to control the world.

As long as there are people like Yanis Varoufakis, we the people have hope, and the establishment will eventually bring about their own demise.

I for one believe the world will be better post Brexit, post Trump and post other movements that seem to me are driven by self-righteousness rather than meaningful purpose.

Inside this book are clues to a better, brighter more human future.

You can get this book here.

I laughed and cried while reading this book at the childish behaviour of people in power.

As a adult being childlike or childish is a decision.

To be remarkable we must be more childlike and eliminate being childish.

Be remarkable.

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