Monday 4 September 2017

Your fate is to be either the disrupter or the disrupted. There is no middle ground.

You'll find the image above at this website.

One of the 8 roles appreciative leaders play remarkably well is the purpose role - disruptive influence for good. I agree with Salim Ismail we're either the disrupter or the disrupted. Many people are disrupters - for good are my key words!

I recommend Ismail's TEDx talk below and his book pictured underneath which I am currently studying.

More about this book here.

If you like some help in being a disruptive influence for good please get in touch with me. My number is +61 418 807 898.

Download my 'Remarkable is the new normal' workbook first. It begins with Disrupting yourself. Here's the link.

Alternatively participate in the complimentary online symposium on Monday November 6th. You can download the workbook and register here.

Be remarkable.

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