Monday 24 December 2018

Do what you love in the service of people who love what you do

Today is my 65th birthday.

Once turning 65 meant retirement day.

Not anymore.

Certainly not for me.

A prime reason is that I am able to work in the top right hand corner of the diagram below:
I'm deeply grateful for being able to operate from the top right hand corner.

Thank you to all who make this possible. You know who you are. You often feature on my gratitude list.

I write down who and what I'm grateful for every day. I've been doing so for a very ling time as I reflect on here. 

Steve Farber often makes the list for his wonderful insight Do what you love in the service of people who love what you do which comes from his great book The Radical Leap.

Who is on your gratitude list?

How will you stay in/get to the top right hand corner?

Be remarkable.

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