Friday 28 December 2018

May 2019 be your very best year yet

I wish you and yours a 2019 that is your very best year yet.

To help you please download my complimentary resources file. Inside are links to all my books and many other resources.

My focus in 2019

Online and in person the focus for me in 2019 is on elevating the value of people, workplaces and communities through #sparkenations and #Sparkenator advising, mentoring, authoring and speaking.

sparkenation: a spark that ignites passion that leads to action that changes what's normal.

I invented the verb sparkenation and introduced it in my 2011 published Changing What's Normal book which contains 58 sparkenations.

The second book in the trilogy, the 2016 published The Appreciative Leader, contains 29 more sparkenations.

Remarkable Workplaces, the final book, (being published in 2019) contains 13 more sparkenations.

In Remarkable Workplaces I expand on the role of Sparkenator first introduced in Changing What's Normal. Sparkentor:  a person who elevates the value of people and increases the value being delivered.

Now available is the first Sparkenator Program.

Be remarkable.

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