Friday 13 March 2020

Accelerated Learning Process For Avant-garde Leaders (post and podcast)

Listen directly to the podcast version of this post here.

I'm always endeavouring to help my clients to identify and implement ideas and insights that will make it simpler for them to thrive. The following is the model for doing so that I have recently refined. This process can be applied to learning, progress, and as a pathway to innovation.

Let’s take a quick look at each phase:


Information is everywhere right. We’re drowning in it. It’s accessible and mostly free. One of the challenges today is determining whether it’s true or false. The bottom-line, information is actually of very little value. What we crave is insight.


Insight is everywhere too. Yet not easily accessed. A most worthy pursuit because it’s the beginning of more people feeling valued, living value and delivering value, which are the fundamentals of a thriving enterprise.


Very few people take the time and energy to savour insight and imagine what can be. To be inspired heart is required. Emotions need stirring.


Any idea from the heart inspired by intuition is worthy of consideration. There’s three key questions to answer:

1) What’s your process for considering people’s ideas and getting back to them once considered?
2) What is the decision-making process for choosing an idea to implement?
3) How much freedom do your people have to implement ideas?

Then love your idea like your dearest. Find people who love it too. Work with them to turn your idea into innovation through the final three crucial stages.


There are three essentials for successfully implementing any idea.

1) do so one quantum leap at a time.
2) implement in 90 day blocks using performance possibility plans-on-a-page. 90 days is enough time to do things that matter and yet short enough to be able to correct any missteps.
3) aggregate the marginal gains.

Leaps and Gains

Possibility Plans-on-a-page.


To reflect on actions taken and their impact is vital to all learning and progress of any kind. I help a lot of my clients with after-action-reviews and have a simple 5 stage process (see below).


Integrating new perceptions with what is already working well for you is an essential to embedding learning and established new levels of performance.

I recommend the following 5 stage format for introspection and integration work.

1) Review one implementation action at a time and answer the following questions what happened and why? what did we learn, relearn, and unlearn? How can we be better, wiser and more valuable in applying these learnings? Who will we become? What will we do next?

2) Determine with your colleagues how your answers will be integrated with what is already working well for you.

3) Upgrade your individual, team and organisational plans and co-promises on a page accordingly.

4) Reflect new perceptions in appropriate standard operating procedures, policies and practices.

5) Upgrade learning and development materials.


Innovation has occurred when we have changed what’s normal, when we have shifted from sameness or the status quo that was no longer serving us, to something more valuable.

Do Your Work.

Be remarkable.

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