Monday 25 June 2007

Real leaders ask great questions of themselves and others

One of the differeniators of real leaders from fake ones is the questions we ask ourselves and others. In the past 10 days I spent time with Paul Bridle my friend and fellow Remacue Director. Paul is a great questioner and challenged me on many fronts. I highly recommend his book 'question your thinking'. You can purchase it here You will find more great questions by enrolling in my monthly electronic newsletter 'Harmony Matters' and receiving my free e-book 'Harmony Matters 10 Year Anniversary Edition' as soon as you enrol.

Be Remarkable

Thursday 14 June 2007

Let Seth challenge your thinking

I visit Seth Godin's blog on a regular basis. I am not into a lot of the jargon Seth appears to be, he has a lot of different views to mine (how boring it would be if we all thought the same!) Seth is a guy who is always challenging the status quo and the conventional. I have read all of Seth's books. I recommend you check Seth out here he is one of the builders of our new world.

Be Remarkable

Sunday 10 June 2007

Don't wait for governments to do anything about climate change

Australian of the Year, Tim Flannery is building the new world. He says "You can in a few months rather than the fifty years allowed by some governments, easily attain the 70 percent reduction in emissions required to stablise the earth's climate."
Find out more by reading Tim's great book 'The Weather Makers'

Be Remarkable

Saturday 2 June 2007

Bono Brilliant

One of the people building the new world is U2 singer Bono. I was inspired recently by his speech to a TED conference. See it here. I am sure you will be inspired too.

Be Remarkable