Listen directly to the podcast version of this post here.
This is part three of 7.
Here's part one about value delivery.
Here's part two about Sparkenation Conversations (every day innovation).
Today I’m exploring Learning and Development Meetings.
I’m very grateful for the work of Charles Jennings and the 70:20:10 framework
Here's an overview:
I base all design and application of learning and development meetings around this framework.
Corridor catch-ups are one great way to have a learning and development meeting.
Corridor catch-ups are my name for the many informal meetings that happen daily in most workplaces.
Asking How’s things going? when you bump into a colleague is still one of the great questions to ask.
The key is being genuine and willing to be silent while people give their answer.
Corridor catch-ups often lead to appreciation and/or accountability conversations.
Appreciation and/or accountability conversations
+ response to how’s things going?
How does that make you feel? (silence).
You respond Great, Brilliant or whatever and then ask,
Any other areas you’d like to explore with me today? (silence).
- response to how’s things going?
What happened? (silence)
What do you need to do to get back on track? (silence)
Is there anything I can do to help you? (silence)
Anything else? (silence)
The key to success in accountability conversations in particular is understanding track which refers to people’s performance possibility plans.
I use a plan and co-promises on a page you have heard me explore before.
You'll find my own and a template at the bottom of this web page.
Your knowledge of people’s plans as you converse with them is important for corridor catch-ups and essential for both informal and formal coaching and mentoring.
Coaching and Mentoring Meetings
I always commence both my coaching (skill development) and mentoring (commitment development and expression) sessions with clients with the question: What’s worth celebrating and what can be better both personally and professionally?
People’s answers to this question humanise the moment and provide a context for the one focus area of the session.
One focus area at a time
My general rule for coaching and mentoring meetings and meetings in general is one focus area per meeting.
Such focus helps in keeping meetings brief, on point and leads to the best outcomes.
Structured courses and programs
Everything previous must be integrated with all learning and development through structured courses and programs.
Dr. Brent Peterson’s research findings are very valuable insights.
He found that 50% of learning happens after an event and 26% prior to an event.
So should you be sending people to courses or placing them in programs without pre and post work you are wasting your money and insulting your people!
Of course Dr. Peterson’s findings are in complete alignment with the 70:20:10 framework.
Below is an overview of my
process for all formal learning and development that I undertake with clients.
We will expand on the components in upcoming podcasts.
For now please embrace corridor catch-ups, accountability and appreciation conversations, one focus coaching and mentoring session and structured courses and programs that embrace the 70:20:10 framework principles and Dr. Peterson's findings.
Learn more.
Do Your Work.
Be remarkable.