Friday 17 February 2023

Beginning a conversation about the paradigmatic shift needed in leadership

I’m channelling three of my colleagues in this piece, Dr. Jason Fox, Ed Brenegar, and Richard Merrick. plus Henry Mintzberg and a Google Search!

Below is from Dr. Jason Fox

“A paradigmatic shift is a fundamental change in the way that something is understood or approached. It is not simply an incremental change, but rather a change in the underlying assumptions or theories that form the basis of a particular field or discipline. Paradigmatic shifts can have far-reaching implications, not only within a particular field, but also in related fields and society as a whole.”

Read more from Jason on this here.

I see a paradigmatic shift happening in leadership. 

Perhaps even that leadership itself is redundant. 

Here’s just three examples from a plethora of challenges where modern leadership is failing.

1) Catastrophic failure of political, religious, government, business and society leaders to arrest climate change

2) Obvious failure to keep pace ethically and morally with the technological changes that threaten our existence as human beings. 

3) Continued slowness in bringing about equal rights for women and minorities.

Henry Mintzberg suggests communityship is more important than leadership. Find out more about this compelling concept here.

Henry says “Sure we need leadership, especially to establish communityship in new organizations and help sustain it in established organizations. What we don’t need is an obsession with leadership—of some individual singled out from the rest, as if he or she is the be-all and end-all of organizing (and is paid accordingly). So here’s to just enough leadership, embedded in communityship.”

For me at the heart of the paradigmatic shift in leadership is reimagining integrity, accountability and authority,

Below is a great paraphrase from Ed Brenegar.

"Maybe, to paraphrase a biblical reference, through the advancement of technology, we have gained the world and lost our humanity.

The question of our time is, then, "For what purpose, and to what end does our technological advancement lead us?”

Our humanity in my view is a key to our integrity. If we are not putting people and planet ahead of profits we have no integrity. Your feelings and thoughts?

Below is an insightful piece from Richard Merrick about authority. 

“From Middle English; “power derived from good reputation; power to convince people, capacity for inspiring trust."

We seem to have mislaid this version of authority and replaced it with a version based on role title, resources and other forms of hard power.

Increasingly, in politics, in sport, and in business those in power have little real authority.

Money is a temporary, fragile, source of power. Authority is something altogether more difficult to earn and retain, but infinitely more capable of changing what matters.

Nobody can give us authority.”

I like Richard’s insight. You?

Below is from a Google search

"Responsibility is task-oriented. Every person on a team may be responsible for a given task that is required to complete a massive project. Accountability is what happens after a situation has occurred. It is how you respond and take ownership over the results."

I like this insight into accountability. You?

I suggest a conversation in your team/cohort/family this week about integrity, accountability and authority. It just might be the beginning of you making your own paradigmatic shift in your leadership.

I suggest beginning your conversation with Seth Godin’s great blog post about looking in the mirror. Here it is.

Have folk read it well before your conversation and begin with reflections about it.

Become the wise leader you want to be.


Saturday 11 February 2023

Conversation About Conversations With Allan Parker Part Fifteen

Allan Parker and myself pick up where we left off last year with this conversation about why sharing feelings and thoughts lead to wiser actions than conversations based on opinions only (there's a place for that elsewhere).

We also explore noise in general including propaganda, fake news and just plain BS.

We also touch on the Ideology, Ignorance, Arrogance Challenge and how being trapped in any clouds our judgement and decision making.

Allan introduces the wonderful insight of Premature Extrapolated Conclusions.

Here's some Allan's great flip charts:

We will be exploring these last two in future conversations.

Become the wise leader you want to be.

Wednesday 1 February 2023

The Wise Conversations Manifesto

My focus this year is on 'The Art of Wise Conversations'.

I'm hosting a group.

I'm providing mentoring.

I'm writing a book on the topic with a goal of publishing in early 2024.

Over the break I began reviewing, keeping and discarding my research into human being centred conversations since they became the main focus of my work in 2012.

Ten key themes emerged.

I have placed them in the following manifesto:

Wise Conversations Manifesto

  • Human being centred.
  • Unearthing and unleashing our best humanness.
  • Maintaining high value and mutually rewarding relationships.
  • Accentuating joy.
  • Nurturing our insights, inspirations, ideas and far-sight.
  • Being our best one moment at a time.
  • Enhancing our essence (our unique gifts/talents/skills/attitudes)
  • Innovating every day, i.e. shifting away from the status quo when sameness is no longer serving us.
  • Naming it when we temporarily lose shared-view in our relationships, and stopping to regain it. 
  • Gratitude is our foundation and having “an attitude of gratitude" our key behaviour.
Today I began exploring these themes privately with my bespoke mentoring clients and also in the public programs where I’m hosting two groups every first Wednesday at 10 AM Melbourne time or 8.30 AM London time. 

This second group is full. There are some vacancies for the 10 AM group. The topic for March is Trust. You can learn more here or contact me on +61 418 807 898. I will catch you up privately after your registration on the first topic of Respect.

The program examines what I have come to call the The Nine Essential Seats of a Wise Conversation Circle. 

Each of the nine leads us deeper in the themes of the manifesto, and how we can apply them in our own best way.

The Art of Wise Conversations Programs also feature my proven methodology as follows:

Become the wise leader you want to be.