Wednesday 25 August 2021

Who are/have been your greatest role models?

I'm in the process of re releasing some of my stories filmed in 2012 that I feel stand the test of time. 

This is one of my favourites. It's about my mother, my greatest role model, and other people who have been (and are role models) for me. 

Who is your greatest role model? 

This video is a part of a self-directed and complimentary online course you can undertake here.

Helping you to hone your one-of-a-kind way of leading to become the wise leader you want to be.


PS I'm also re-recording stories and recording those not previously recorded as part of We Need To Talk episodes. Of course nothing like experiencing stories live and the life-changing conversations that ensue as well as sharing your own stories. Learn more.

Monday 23 August 2021

Wise Leaders Playbook #3 Lexicon first edition

I'm excited to release Wise Leaders Playbook Number 3. You can download it here. 

This playbook is the first edition of the Wise Leaders Lexicon. Language enriches conversations which add energy to relationships which enable life at its best.

All wise leaders playbooks and my other complimentary resources are designed to help you to hone your one-of-a-kind way of leading and to become the wise leader you want to be.


Thursday 19 August 2021

It's actually simple to co-create a wonderful employee and customer experience

It was really great this week to catch up with my friends Peter Merrett and Paul Schmeja. Peter is a past client and Paul a current one. Both are experts in co-creating a wonderful employee and customer experience:

Become the wise leader you want to be.

Friday 13 August 2021

One-of-a-kind leadership

 Listen to the podcast version of this post 

Each Friday's podcasts are always under 10 minutes.

This is episode 119. 

I estimate that over the past thirty years I’ve read more than 1000 books on leadership. I’ve also watched 100’s of videos and listened to a zillion podcasts. There is no shortage of ideas about how to lead.

Google best selling leadership books and leadership styles and you’ll find a endless list:






Good to great






Laissez faire







Emotional intelligence







I could go on.

Which of these ways of leading will work perfectly for you? 

My answer is none of them.

You will certainly gain insights.

The bottom line is this, there are a myriad of ways to lead.
Only your way will work for you.

Since I became a student of leadership thirty-five years ago I’ve noted that there are proven principles, patterns and processes to adopt in your own best way.

In the short video below I overview a few:

There’s are as many ways to lead as there are people on the planet. The world needs more of your one-of-a-kind leadership in the service of others.

This is particularly true in a world of so-called hybrid work.

In a brilliant recent article titled ‘The end of the office’ Seth Godin says “As social creatures, many people very much need a place to go, a community to be part of, a sense of belonging and meaning. But it’s not at all clear that the 1957 office building is the best way to solve those problems.”

I couldn’t agree more.

Much of the purpose of leading is to help people to feel they belong and to find meaning for them. 

Who will you become? What will you do next?

Become the wise leader you want to be?


PS Six ways that I can help you to hone your one-of-a-kind way of leading

1) Apply to join a wise leaders peer-group.

2) Undertake the wise leaders workshop.

3) Take up some bespoke mentoring.

4) Join in a We Need To Talk Experience.

5) Subscribe to my monthly wise leaders newsletter which means my first and third Wednesday events are complimentary.

6) Buy a book or undertake a complimentary self-directed online course.

Monday 9 August 2021

The 15 conversations that count wise leaders playbook

 This is the second in a series of Wise Leaders Playbooks.

You can download it here.

You can download the first playbook, The 15 roles wise leaders play here.

All Wise Leaders Playbooks are designed to help you to hone your one-of-a-kind way of leading and to become the wise leader you want to be.


Thursday 5 August 2021

The Art of Intruition with Jessica Berry

It was a great thrill to host this wise leaders sparkenation conversation with my daughter Jessica as my special guest sage.

Further first Wednesday events are detailed a month in advance here.

You can book a 1:1 session with Jessica here.

Become the wise leader you want to be.
