Friday 26 September 2008

Greed has never been good

I am not aware that anyone has named the major causes of the current financial crisis that has our world in turmoil. Greed and lack of accountability are the causes as I see it. We will get past this. Until we do something about the causes however, trouble will come again as surely as night follows day.

Further none of the people who have acted with gay abandon and just plain stupidity have been held to account. Lets us hope that French President Nicolas Sarkozy’s words are adhered to; “Let us build together a regulated capitalism in which whole swathes of financial activity are not left to the sole judgement of market operators” He called for a new system in “which those who jeopardise people’s savings are punished.” (The Strait Times 24/9/08)

Be remarkable
strategic advisor to difference makers

Saturday 6 September 2008

Choose your news

I have been travellng extensively over the past few weeks. I have deliberately avoided television and newspapers. I don’t miss either. I particularly don’t miss the daily news. What news I want I have been choosing via the web.

A journalist once told me “If it bleeds it leads”. Personally I don’t need to know who killed who, who died, who stole etc., etc. I don’t need violence of any kind in my life. I am finding it very refreshing to choose my news via the internet. How are you choosing your news?

Be remarkable
strategic advisor to difference makers