Friday 26 August 2022

Systems Thinking Part Two with Glenn Capelli and Allan Parker

A cracker conversation this with my great mates Glenn Capelli and Allan Parker.

Glenn's four questions:

1) What feels like fun to you but hard work for others?

2) What makes you lose track of time?

3) Where do you get greater returns than the "average" person?

4) What comes naturally to you?

Terry Paul's question What three things are important to you?

Stay tuned for part three. Here's part one.

Become the wise leader you want to be.


Wednesday 24 August 2022

Never Confuse People With Performance or Problems

This under three minutes video offers ways to overcome a common challenge.

Underneath the video on YouTube are several resources that will help you to take action in your own best way.

Become the wise leader you want to be.

Friday 12 August 2022

Conversation About Conversations Part Ten With Allan Parker

A joy once more to engage in conversation with Allan Parker. This time we take a deep dive into two more pillars of wise conversations - check-in and continuous. We also begin to explore being and becoming as a way of living, learning and leading.

Become the wise leader you want to be.


Wednesday 10 August 2022

The seven essentials for attracting and retaining great people

I'm please to publish my second teal paper. It's about the seven essentials for attracting and retaining great people:

1. Human being centred conversations.

2. Employee Value Promise on-a-page.

3. Role Clarity Statements.

4. Values Behaviours.

5. Career and Life-calling Card.

6. Learning and Development Plan (personal, professional and play).

7. Performance Possibility Partners (Peers and Mentors).

You can download this paper here.

The first teal paper is about 'Co-creating Happy Being Magnificent Culture'. You can download it here.

Teal represents revitalisation, rejuvenation, open communication and clarity of thought.

Become the wise leader you want to be.


Friday 5 August 2022

Conversation About Conversations part nine with Allan Parker

A joy to be in conversation with Allan Parker once more.

Underneath the video on YouTube are links to parts one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, and eight. 

In this video we take a deep dive into two more two pillars of wise conversations, calm and caring.

Become the wise leader you want to be.


Wednesday 3 August 2022

A conversation about self-leadership with Dr. Maree Harris

I very much enjoyed and valued this conversation with my friend and colleague Maree Harris.

You'll find links to Maree's work and to people referenced under the video on YouTube.

Become the wise leader you want to be.


Monday 1 August 2022

Update to my Performance Possibility Pulse Checks

I host possibility conversations 1:1 and in peer groups, and provide mentoring and resources as you turn possibility into reality. 

A key to the success of these conversations is pre and post work. Learn more about how pre and post are crucial to success here.

A key to pre and post work is assessment of where we're at and where we can shift too.

Following the recent publication of my first video playbook 'Happy Being Magnificent', and my first teal paper 'Co-creating a culture where the majority of people are happy being magnificent, You can download both of these here.

I've accordingly updated my Performance Possibility Pulse Checks Tool to include a pulse check on Happy Being Magnificent. There are now 12 pulse checks to help in pre and post conversation work.

You can download the pulse checks here.

Become the wise leader you want to be.
