Monday 3 September 2012

Catching People Doing Things Right!

 I am very excited that my friend and founder of The Wow Awards Derek Williams is coming to Australia. I am honoured that Derek and myself finally get the opportunity to work together on September 13th in Melbourne to share some breakthrough insights into what constitutes providing remarkable customer service.

As customers, all of us know that way too many organisations make claims about their 'commitment to service' while failing to deliver on their promises.

We've discovered that there are a number of reasons why this happens, which has enabled us to uncover what organisations can do to stand-out based on a reputation for delivering great customer experiences.

We're delighted to share these insights in this afternoon seminar on September 13th.

Derek will be sharing his experiences and thinking after 15 years of running The Wow Awards, with organisations as diverse as Jones Lang LaSalle, British Gas, Edinburgh City Council, Cadbury and many other blue chip companies.

And I will be sharing insights into your number one role as a business owner/leader, enhancing and deploying your people’s talents/gifts.

All the details for our Melbourne event on September 13th are here.

Derek is also presenting his insights along with those of a great mutual friend Steve Simpson in Brisbane on 11th September 2102, and in Sydney on 17th September 2102.

If you can’t make it to any of these events I highly recommend that you get in touch with Derek and discuss bringing The Wow Awards to your place and start to benefit from Catching People Doing Things Right.

Be the difference you want to see in the world.
I work with business owners/leaders and leaders of business units in multi-national companies to lift employee performance by enhancing their gifts.

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