Monday 6 October 2014

The future of learning is not online

I read a post last week from a person I respect that said "the future of learning is online."

I have a different view. You?

I believe that the future of learning is both in person and online.

Do I believe technology is great? Yep. Do I believe that Artificial Intelligence does and could bring great things to us? Yep.

I don't live my life inside a computer though. I live it with real human beings. Technology or AI that doesn't enhance my life and help me to better my relationships with other people is of no value to me. You?

I believe we've got carried away with how clever we are to make and provide amazing things using technology.

I also believe that learning not applied in real life isn't really learning. You?

Be the difference you want to see in the world.

"... what matters is not what is taught or sold, but how it's delivered, and how that made someone feel as she walked out the door."
Bernadette Jiwa

A test
Have a hour free from any kind of technology this week. Today preferably.
If you can't do it without feeling lost technology is your master and you aren't living your best life.

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