Friday 5 February 2016

The joy of engaging in a master-class

I had the honour and privilege yesterday to conduct a master-class in the place of my birth and in a venue where I once got into trouble as a teenager.

The real joy though was engaging with a small group of people committed to being the best version of themselves.

As I reminded them at the beginning of the day, you're the masters, and I have the honour of being a mentor.

I reminded them too that what I had to share would be important, yet nowhere near as important as what they would hear themselves say to themselves, and then deciding on the one action they would passionately take next.

The slides below acted as back drop for our candid and convivial communication and conversation.

We didn't use them all of course. We focused on what was most relevant for individuals right now.

It might be that some of the content in the slides, albeit out of context, adds fuel to the fire within you. If so we should talk today about a master-class for you and your leadership team or you and your colleagues in your master-mind group. My telephone is +61 418 807 898.

Be remarkable.

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