Saturday 17 January 2009

New Years Resolutions often result in no change?

I have no resolutions for 2009 except a resolve to make changes in my life as soon as I become aware of the need to change. Lately as I have been working on some changes I have become aware I need to make, I have resurrected an exercise I used some time ago that had fallen of my radar.

You may find the exercise valuable.

On the left side of a sheet of paper write the heading 'Everything I am I wish I wasn't' and make a list underneath. On the right hand side write the heading 'Everything I am that I'm glad I am' and make a list underneath. You may find as I have that the list on the right is often opposite to the list on the left.

I am carrying my list with me. I have already made some changes and when I have made all the changes I am aware I need to make, it will be time for a new list!

Be remarkable
International business speaker on why doing good is great for business

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