Monday 6 July 2015

The awesome power of debating ideas rather than ideology

Party politics in my home country Australia, and I suspect your home, is in the way of progress. One reason for this is the endless debate of ideology rather than ideas.

Barack Obama will do more good for the world when he is no longer President of the United States. His two terms could have achieved many great things and haven't because ideology and particularly the associated dogma have been in the way.

I see an increasing number of calls like this one from the Head of Internet Australia for bipartisan approach. What say you?

I imagine the remarkable results in climate change/renewable energy, health/well-being, education, national and world security policy, just to name a few critical areas of nation building, should our politicians ditch dogma, and instead debate ideas and then collaborate to turn ideas and inspiration into innovation (changing what's normal).

How about in your workplace?

Is there dogma delusion or are you respecting different belief systems, valuing difference, and debating ideas and then innovating?

Be remarkable.

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