Wednesday 6 January 2016

My best tonic for beginning each day in a productive way

In a age where it's easy to let technology dominate our lives I find there's no better tonic for productivity than beginning each day with a blank sheet of paper.

I've been beginning every day of my life for many years by opening my journal before my computer and writing down my answers to the following two questions:

1) What's worth celebrating?
2) What can be better?

Answering the first question ensures I begin each day with an "attitude of gratitude"

When suffering from a life-threatening illness 37 years ago my doctor advised me to have "an attitude of gratitude."

Every day since, at least 3 times a day, I stand in front of a mirror and say out loud "I have an attitude of gratitude."

My stance helped me to not die from my illness. Every day it has helped me, even in my darkness moments, deep disappointments, and digression from my path, to live a life that matters to me and the people I encounter.

I have learned one of life's most valuable lessons - "when we're grateful for what we've got, we can have more of what we want."

Here's 12 ways to maintain your attitude of gratitude.

It's a sign of mediocrity when you demonstrate gratitude with moderation said Roberto Benigni

Answering the second question (What can be better?) provides perspective and leads me to deciding what I will do today to be better than I was yesterday.

Be remarkable.

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