Tuesday 22 September 2009

Are the values on your wall lived in the hall?

Be remarkable
Founder Differencemakers Community
Writer and International Business Speaker on how doing good is great for business


Graeme Bowman said...

The point about living one's mission and values is brilliantly made, Ian.

Also, as a fellow professional speaker, I was very impressed with your use of story, which helped make the point in a powerful and unique way. Partiularly powerful was the way you built the story around a situation where you 'saw the error of your own ways'.

This clip is also a great lesson in pausing. The pause is a great tool, one that is often left out by nervous speakers rushing to 'get it over with'.

Maria said...

Powerful and thought provoking - having worked with a number of companies recently on identifying their core values and their brand values and purpose, I am constantly surprised at the employees who are so reserved about these exercises. Unfortunately it is simply as a result of too many of these being nothing more than wall space, and not refleced in the hall space. Ian, your point is valid and very timely for many companies as they sense a change and know that it is their culture which is needing the most attention - this starts with learning to truly live their values and understand their purpose.
Thank you.