Monday 28 September 2009

Have Insight - Will Travel - introducing my upgraded mentoring services

I have recently upgraded my mentoring services and thought you would be interested.

We live in an age, largely due to the internet, where information is abundant and mostly cheap or free, yet time consuming and often energy sapping to access.

Insight on the other hand is scarce, mostly expensive, yet still time consuming and energy sapping to discover.

Are you an Insightpreneur™?

Insightpreneurs™ are experts at turning information into insight into inspiration into ideas into innovation, fast. Differencemakers are people who innovate for the good of people and our planet.

Real innovation means the implementation of ideas that change what is normal whether that be attitudes, emotions, thoughts, feelings, or actions; indeed true innovation usually requires changing all of these!

Changing what is normal is what sets the most successful individuals and organisations apart from the rest; think Roger Federer, Barak Obama, Annika Sörenstam, Mother Theresa, Tiger Woods; Apple, Cirque Du Soleil, Grameen Bank, Starbucks, Virgin; whether you admire these people and organisations or not.

We are in a new era that is characterised by cooperation that leads to collaboration that makes a difference. Competition has largely gone from everywhere except sport, politics, fundamentalist religion, some sectors of education, and in businesses that are just for profit.

The really exciting thing is that anybody can be an insightpreneur and a differencemaker.

Insight and ideas are part of a new currency. Innovation linked to doing good for people and our planet is where the fortunes of the future will be made. Innovation is also how the ever widening gap between the financial rich and the financial poor gets closed. The most successful organisations were once those who made something. Today the most successful organisations are those who provide insight and ideas and they can be an organisation of just one person!

What business are you in?

If you make stuff someone will soon make it cheaper and faster. Sure people will always make stuff. Is this your future however? Or will you become and insightpreneur and a differencemaker?

“As a mentor to me and my family members who lead and manage our businesses Ian Berry made a significant difference to our personal and business success, and was a catalyst for our 570% growth over 4 years.”
Peter Taylor, Chairman, Townsend Building Services
+61 419 438 021

What’s in it for you?

My Insightpreneur™ 1:1 Mentoring Programs cut to the chase and save you time, energy, and money by helping you discover your unique fast track to personal and organisational innovation.

I offer no turnkey or cookie cutter programs, rather a genuinely customised program just for you.

Depending on your unique situation and needs, expectations, and desires, I offer 3, 6, 9, or 12 month programs that comprise:

1) scheduled sessions for one hour on skype or telephone that are recorded with your permission and sent to you for ongoing use

2) as well as 1/2 day or 1 day sessions in person

3) plus unlimited telephone and email access to me during the course of your program and for six months following

4) plus 24/7 access to my life-long learning vault that contains numerous resources for you to tap into whenever you wish to.

Full details including try before you buy option are here.
or contact me on +61 8 7122 4663

Be remarkable
Founder Differencemakers Community
Writer and International Business Speaker on how doing good is great for business

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