Tuesday 2 November 2010

The Power of Now

I have clients I mentor in 9 countries. Many I have never met in person. Our mentoring sessions are conducted on skype. This is just one example of the power of now.

By the way on most Monday mornings wherever you happen to be in the world I can provide a 30 minute mentoring session for free on skype. All you need to do to book your session is email me ian@ianberry.au.com with a date and time. If I am already booked I will email you back with alternative dates and times.

One of my business leader heroes is Kevin Roberts, CEO of Saatchi and Saatchi. He says New is old, now is the new new. For an excellent interview with Kevin click here under favourites.]

Now is the only time that matters.

One of the beautiful things about life is that if we stuff up this moment, we can do better in the next moment.

You can change your life for the better, now.

You can change the experience you provide for your customer/client, now.

You can create a better strategy, now.

You can execute, now.

You can be better for your spouse, your child, your friend, now.

You can call that person you have be procrastinating about, now.

You can make amends, now.

You can stop doing, start doing, or stay doing whatever you want, now.

Success in life is about the choices we make and the choices we don’t make. You are choosing, now.

Stop grumbling about your life, now. Start your life over, now. And make a vow to never waste a moment, now. And then don’t!

In my country, Australia, average life expectancy is 81.4 years, that’s about 29,500 days! Make every second of your life matter. Start now!

Be the difference you want to see in the world.

PS Recently I joined a movement to end starvation as a major cause of death for children. While you were reading this 11 children died simply because they do not have enough to eat. In the last 6 months my colleagues and I have provided more than 3 million meals. Find out how you can join us here or give me a call on +61 418 807 898.

PSS I highly recommend reading The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle.
Details here along with other books I recommend you read. Remember, leaders are readers.

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