Changing what’s normal is my fourth book. It is the one I always wanted to write. It was also the most difficult to write. I don’t find writing easy. I do find it a very valuable and rewarding experience nonetheless.
Do you write your feelings and thoughts down and share them with others?
I would highly recommend that you do so frequently.
Writing is a valuable action for leaders for five key reasons. Writing can lead us to clarity, content, communication, community, and creativity:
Getting really clear about our intentions, feelings and thoughts means our actions are more considered, conscious, and deliberate. Being really clear is a key to investing in time wisely. You have 168 hours each week like everyone else. You will use the time you have much better by being really clear. Being really clear also helps others to know exactly where they stand with us. Writing and sharing what you write increases clarity.
In the digital world content is king. The more content you make available in all forms of social media, the more you will attract the kind of people you need and want in your business. Having great content online as well as in print makes it easy for other people to spread our messages. Word of mouth marketing is and always will be the best form of marketing. The more you write and share what you write, the greater your content will be in terms of quantity and quality.
Clarity and content pave the way for better communication.
Lack of clarity and content by leaders has a massive negative effect on productivity. I estimate poor communication to be one of the single biggest reasons for low productivity and low people engagement.
The more you write and share what you write the better communicator you will become.
Clarity, content, and good communication are all prerequisites for creating community with all your stakeholders. Robert Frost once remarked that home is that place that when you go there, they have to let you in. This is what I mean by community, a place we can belong to and be who we are.
There is no greater place to belong to than community.
Writing and sharing what we write also creates community itself for it attracts people to us who have a shared view with us about the things the really matter to us.
Write and share what you write and you will increase your sense of belonging in the places that are important to you as well as attract other people to those places.
Writing for me is a daily discipline. I have been in the habit of writing daily since I began blogging in May 2007. I don’t publish everything however the discipline has helped me to be more disciplined in many other areas of my life.
Daily writing has forced to me to have daily thinking time and this has done wonders for my creativity.
How often do you write?
When and where to you share what you write?
My strong suggestion is that writing and sharing what you write frequently are a key to the successful future of your business, no matter what your product/s or service/s.
What do you think?
Be the difference you want to see in the world
Founder Differencemakers Community
Author of Changing What’s Normal
Partner of passionate and enlightened leaders in several countries since 1991, to change what’s normal for the good of people, our planet, and for profit.
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