Friday 4 September 2015

Investment or cost is a vital distinction to make

I met with a prospective client yesterday who clearly at the beginning of our conversation saw providing learning and development for his employees as a cost rather than as an investment.

I shared with him an old yet powerful story where the CFO asks the CEO: "What if we invest in our people and they leave?" To which the CEO responded: "What if we don’t and they stay?"

Investment or cost is a vital distinction to make in all aspects of your business, and particularly where people's performance is concerned. What do you believe?

I believe there's one thing you must do to pave the way for learning and development that will lead to lasting performance improvements and a very healthy return on your investment.

And it will help you also to retain and engage your current employees more, meaning you will avoid the 1.5 to 3.0 times a person's wages/ salary you have to invest to replace people who leave.

I've written a short Blue Paper about the one thing.

Be remarkable.

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