Friday 12 August 2016

The premise, promise, and 4 proven principles of an effective performance leadership system

When I began working as a mentor for business owners and leaders 25 years ago my first assignment was to help my client to replace their performance appraisal system with something more meaningful for employees, that would actually lead to performance improvement.

Doing this is still foundational to much of my work.

Interestingly the premise, promise, and 4 proven principles of an effective performance leadership system haven't changed. What has changed is that technology, assuming it enhances the human experience, means everything can be much simpler than it was 25 years ago.

The premise

The eminent psychologist William James (1842 - 1910) proclaimed over 100 years ago that
"The deepest human principle is the craving to be appreciated."

Any performance leadership system, process, whatever, must ensure people feel appreciated, otherwise performance improvement is most unlikely.

The promise

Accelerate appreciation of people and you'll see a corresponding acceleration in accountability. And isn't that what you want - more people leading and being accountable.

4 proven principles

Here you'll find 4 videos and a handbook about the 4.

Since the publication of the above in January 2016 I've made some upgrades which are in 'The Appreciative Leader' handbook that will be published next month. Details here.

1) Role clarity
Boring job descriptions are so last century. What people need to clarify above all is the relationship their role serves and what value is to be delivered to each person.

2) Performance Possibility Plan (PPP's)
Every person needs their unique piece of your map to execute your strategy, assuming they have bought into the strategy.

3) Continuous candid and convivial communication and conversation about performance using role clarity and PPP's as focusing tools.
There are 8 conversations that count. Download the handbook above to find out more.

4) Learning and development that supports the above.
I personally use the 70:20:10 framework with my clients and adopt it to meet client needs e.g. with one current client it's 50:25:25. Find out more about this great principle by downloading the handbook at the above link.

Be remarkable.

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