Friday 27 March 2020

Are you getting ready for the Big Re-start?

Listen directly to the podcast version of this post here.

Post the pandemic millions of people and organisations will have to Re-start their lives and their enterprises. I predict Re-starts will be far more prevalent than start-ups, at least for awhile. Start-ups will thrive too of course.

Even if you escape this crisis relatively unscathed I suggest a Re-start because the world that emerges from this will be unrecognisable from the one we left behind a few weeks ago.

The wisest people of course are already deep into strategic thinking and co-creating the plans to execute new strategies.

Where are you at?

I’m in the leadership development business. My main practice for over 30 years has been as mentor for people wanting to remain on their leadership development edge. In recent times I’ve been highlighting that I believe that Heart Leadership is the new normal.

As a human race I believe we’re done with head leadership, particularly that masculine energy that seeks eternal growth and the maximisation of profits at any cost. Regardless of the various catastrophic failures of risk management evident, this old world leadership is directly responsible for our plight. We all need to pivot away as fast as possible.

The folk at Local Futures have a great deal to offer us. They began a quest over 30 years ago to “renew ecological, social and spiritual well-being by promoting a systemic shift towards economic localization.”

Here’s a quote from a piece on their website about globlisation:

“Poverty, climate change, the breakdown of democracy, an epidemic of depression – the world is facing a convergence of crises. The cause? Economic globalization.” 

Here's the full article.

Here is another great Local Futures piece about localisation.

And here yet another about big picture activism.

In the latter they say “Millions of people are already working to build a better world. What if they joined forces to create systems-level change?”

What if? indeed. 

I know myself I’ve been a Possibility Activist for most of my life. This year I’ve begun accelerating collaborating with my colleagues to bring greater value to the table.

One such collaboration with Susan Furness is Strategic Heartistry. This unique alternative to strategic planning launches online on the 21st April and 23rd April 2020. 

Who will you become. What will you do next?

My suggestion is begin with a roundtable, as soon as you can arrange one online with the people closest to you, yet not living with you. Host one at home too!

I suggest answering this question How will we re-start our lives and our work locally, nationally and globally?

If I can facilitate this for you please give me a shout.

Do Your Work.

Be remarkable.

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