Sunday 17 May 2009

Seth, Sonia, and Scott - building our new world through the new marketing

If you are fed up with marketing the old way and being marketed to in the old way check out 3 of the best thinkers on the new marketing I have come across.

Seth Godin probably needs no introduction. I get every blog he writes (and that’s almost every day!) via email. Seth always makes me think.

“Remarkable relationships begin with remarkable communcation” says Sonia Simone who is Senior Editor for Copyblogger and Founder of Remarkable Communication.
Sonia says of herself “I’m the marketer for people who hate marketing.”

Scott Stratten he said “If you are your authentic self in your business, you have no competition.”

There are a zillion marketers out there vying for our attention and our money, Seth, Sonia, and Scott are 3 folk providing insight to make life easier and more enjoyable for us all.

Be remarkable
Founder Differencemakers Community
Writer and International Business Speaker on how doing good is great for business

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