Monday 2 July 2018

Pursue daily being better and wiser

I'm currently presenting and hosting a series of master-classes as I complete the writing of this final book in a trilogy.

Learn more about the master-classes held in Ballarat on the fourth Wednesday of every month.

This post is the 'Pursue daily being better and wiser' chapter of the book.

In a nutshell

I'm very grateful to my friend, colleague and mentor Glenn Capelli who was the special guest presenter at the master-class on this topic. Glenn's inspiration wisdom, work and wit has greatly influenced this chapter. Here's Glenn's handout from the master-class.

Fertile Ground - Embrace 'essentialism', Ploughing - Choose one-thing, Seeding - Stretch your mind, Nurturing - Create and Take, Harvest - Integrate.

I engaged Nick Haines and Matthew Newnham from Five Institute as my mentors for about a year in 2015/16.

'Essentialism' was a book they recommended.

I have since integrated the central philosophy of "less but better" into my whole life (it's a work in progress!) You can learn more about this concept here.

Working with Nick and Matthew also highlighted the fact that I was offering too much at once to my clients and particularly prospective clients. They suggested a "less but better" way was only offering one-thing at a time. This fitted perfectly with my use of the science of quantum leaps (see below).

Fascinatingly I was blinded to this in my work offerings and so this became a very large FBO (flash of the bloody obvious).

The above work help to quiet my mind and as well as stretch it. I also began to revisit some of Glenn Capelli thinking insights.

All of the above has been instrumental too in helping me to integrate change in my own life as well as help my clients to integrate their learnings through working with me with what is already working well for them.

3 recommended actions

1) Choose one of the 'Essentialist' ways of being every month and integrate each into your life and work.
2) Do some activity every day that will stretch your mind.

3) Fully embrace quantum leaps in all your becoming and all your doing.

The great thing about living your life as a series of quantum leaps is that when you have missteps, make mistakes and encounter mayhem, you can move on armed with new learning literally in the next moment.

Recommended Deep work

1) Contact Glenn Capelli and get your personal copy of his book 'Thinking Caps' and work your way through each section.

In the context of pursuing daily being better and wiser I recommend the concepts of kaizen and widezen, pages 81 - 89, as a great place to start.

2) Make it your personal mission to keep your mind agile. And nurture taking an agile mindset into everything you do in your life.

This How Leaders Can Improve Their Thinking Agility article by Jesse Sostrin for Strategy + Business may help. I personally like the model used (see below).

Source: Herrmann International, PwC research
©2017 PwC. All rights reserved.

3) Create a process where you will always integrate new learning with what you're already doing that is working well for you.

As always should you like some help with any of the above then please get in touch with me.

Be remarkable.

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