This is the first in a series of seven about arguably the most powerful philosophy that I work with my clients on. I call it shared-view.
I’ll be referencing throughout this series a short paper that I published recently about shared-view which you can download here. There's also a designated page at my website where there's short videos on each of the seven.
Most of our troubles, personal, local, organisational, national, and international, are fundamentally based in our perceived need to hang onto the world in here (my view), our issues with the world out there (other people's views), and, our failure to focus more on the world we share (ours).
The exciting news is that when we find and sustain shared-view (ours) we can triumph over all our troubles.
In organisations there are seven areas of significance where sustaining shared-view is paramount to your success:
1. Reality
2. Possibility
3. Purpose
4. Strategy
5. Execution
6. Progress
7. Culture.
These seven areas are also the headings for your plan and co-promises on a page (often called one-page performance possibility plan (PPP). You can download mine and a template at the bottom of the page here.
Today our subject is reality.
Being brutally honest about where we are now is the first step to successfully moving to what’s next. Appreciating what is precedes imagining what can be (possibility).
When you’re completing your own plan on a page I recommend that you seek input from people you trust who will tell you exactly how they see you.
For teams I recommend a powerful exercise be under taken by each team member. Then you combine results into one document for team meeting use.
The exercise is to ask each team member to complete a one page diagnostic with the headings as pictured below. Download the diagnostic here.
You can view this tool on page 6 of the short paper that I mentioned earlier and which you can download here.
Do Your Work.
Be remarkable.
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